Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hark, thar be creeping up upon us a Creepy Christmas! Well, not really... although in the right light, these Christmas ornaments do look a tad devilish. A good thing they do, too; they've got serious personality, and no doubt will be lurking around our Christmas Tree at night scaring off Grinches with their unnerving cracked little faces and wide staring eyes.

So, what's up with the Christmas ornament post?

My family and I were enthusiastically digging through some ancient ornaments and decorations whilst setting up the tree, and I couldn't help but take a new interest in this wayward Christmas bunch. After all, they usually go unnoticed in favour of the cuter, newer Christmas decorations.

... but not this time. 

Let me first introduce to you the very bizarre Ringleader Baby, an atypical toddler dandily decked out in red striped candy-cane slacks and sporting a fine black tophat atop his noggin. Ironically (despite his young looks), he's a baby of great age (apparently he belonged to my great grandmother!). In any case, he's quite unusual and I've grown quite fond of him (I hung him on the tree and it literally -looks- like he's hanging, which is a little bit morbid, but he's a charming felllow so he's staying on the tree. No matter what anyone says!). ILU Ringleader Baby, you're my new favourite.

Here's the box of Christmas treasures we pulled out from the attic! It's a bit dusty, but filled with odd little characters who are probably happy to be seeing the light after a whole year.
Winter Coat Man has a rocking Winter coat. Apparently my mother got him at the Royal Easter Show back when she was a girl. Man, they had some scary prizes!

Sweet little foetal position elf bros. A little less scary than Ringleader Baby and the Winter Coat Man.

Awww, look at those faces!

 Sinister Santa Mob (Santabros) weilding their pipecleaner weapons of merriment.

He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake.

And last but not least of all, Santa Jack. Although he wasn't pulled out from the box of treasures (I picked him up a few years back in Japan) he's a pretty special guy and I couldn't resist displaying him out especially for Christmas. <3

A Creepy Christmas to all, and to all a good fright!
By the way, if you'd like your season with a sprinkling of the sinister, I recommend this Christmas Animation by Studio 39 Degrees North, based on Neil Gaiman's poem 'Nicholas Was'. It's a dark, offbeat, unnervingly brilliant take on the holiday season! Ho... ho... ho...

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